Quick and easy registration

Webshop HERBALISM MARŠIČ allows you to make your purchases as registered or unregistered user.

Ways of registration

Social login - the quickest and most simple way to create a user profile

This type of registration and log in works in a way that you use your existing Social profile like Google, Facebook etc. Its use must be supported by this webshop which you can see if there are buttons for starting a login.

It is very good, convenient and safe way of registering into other websites as you:

  • Do not have to create, save and keep new username and password.
  • HERBALISM MARŠIČ does not have any passwords that needs to save and keep safe on your behalf as it does not have your password from your Social profile! That is the main point of it.
  • With first login your social profile provider asks you for confirmation that you want to share some basic profile data with this website. Once you confirm it, we create a basic User profile and you are logged in with your social profile.
  • Every next login is just one click - no password, no remembering usernames... The only username and password you must remember and keep safe are ones for that social profile.

Social login is recognized as one of the safest ways for users to create profiles and log in other wesites on internet.

Why become a registered user

  • You do not have to insert your buyer's and delivery data every time you buy something.
  • You can have a history list of your orders and look at details at some later date. 
  • You help us know our customers better, so we can create better shopping experience for you. Saving us time and effort in that process means you can reward registered users with some bonuses like discount codes, free delivery etc. It is a two-way process.

IMPORTANT: HERBALISM MARŠIČ does not save ANY of your payment cards or PayPal data. None.
It is a bit less convenient for frequent buyers, but we want you to be comfortable providing necessary data for payment via known and respected gateways like PayPal, Braintree etc. without worrying someone might hack this webshop couple of months or even years later. 


Classic user profile 

Currently it is available only if a manager of HERBALISM MARŠIČ creates you a dedicated user profile. It's mostly used for B2B customers etc. even though most B2B customers also use one of their Social profiles as most people nowadays have a GMail or Facebook profile. Given all the benefits of Social login it is currently the only supported way for creating a new user profile.